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Don't Starve - Free on PS+

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Don't Starve - Free on PS+

Postby Epidemik » Jan 17th, '14, 08:09


You can play it for PC or PS4. Download it on steam for around $15 (i think)
If you subscribe to PS+, Its absolutely free this month.

I just downloaded it a few days ago for the PS4, and I am completely addicted to this game.

If anyone is wondering about it, but doesn't know anything about it:
Its got a sort of artsy design/look to it. but its a hardcore survival game.
There is definitely some grinding to be done, and quite a rough learning curve, as every time you die, you must start over from the beginning.
At first glance, it almost looks like a kids game... but its really quite difficult. The only real objective is to survive... period. And its harder than you would think. Every time you play, you learn something new.
So far, the longest I've been able to survive is to day 25.

Has anyone else played this game yet?
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Re: Don't Starve - Free on PS+

Postby Steve Spag » Jan 19th, '14, 22:50

LOL I'm terrible at this game, but I don't give it much time or effort. Longest I've made it to is day 11, I got killed by a spider while my health was low, lmao.
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Re: Don't Starve - Free on PS+

Postby Epidemik » Jan 20th, '14, 08:36

Steve, if you find it hard, you can edit the world settings before you play. Its customizable. you can give yourslef longer days or longer summers, turn enemies to less, etc. it might take away some of the fun, but it makes it a bit easier to learn the ins and outs of the game.
i recently made it to day 56.
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