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Arrested Development Trailer

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Arrested Development Trailer

Postby viJilance » May 13th, '13, 07:02 ... zVhPCMAxWQ

I'm really looking forward to the return of the show, too bad I think Netflix is the biggest waste of money, and I'll most likely be downloading this, or getting a free subscription for a month and then canceling, but I doubt Canada will even get it...

Seriously why would you pay for Internet and then pay for of subscription per month for Something to organize your downloads? What a scam. The things people spend money on these days is astounding.
Fuck all of you 1990's faggots. 1989 master race reporting in.

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Re: Arrested Development Trailer

Postby Eedee » May 13th, '13, 07:17

mdemaz wrote:dam
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Re: Arrested Development Trailer

Postby viJilance » May 15th, '13, 20:57

bigray wrote:Switch Netflix to USA Netflix for free.....I like Netflix cuz I am lazy to download sometimes.

7.95 a month lol

+ however much you pay for internet already. Laziness? Oh lord...
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Re: Arrested Development Trailer

Postby viJilance » May 16th, '13, 06:27

bigray wrote:Thats why u don't go with Robelus (Rogers, Telus and Bell) I am with a 3rd party and I get unlimited internet so I got no issues with bandwidth... Ya I know the lazy part is funny but if u download like I do u will understand why it makes me lazy lol

Same here man, I am with TekSavvy. I have unlimited downloading, It costs me $70.00 a month,There's no way I'm gonna pay another couple of bucks to nearly organize it for me.

Here is what I do, I know when the show I want to watch airs, and it's not like I have a girlfriend to call me right after and talk about it, :( so I can wait till the next morning. The first thing I do when I wake up is turn my computer on, go to a torrent site, click download, Then cook breakfast, take a shit, shower, brush my teeth, masturbate, take another shower wash my Dick, and by the time I'm done it's downloaded.

I am looking out for you bro, cancel your subscription, it's not worth it homie.
Fuck all of you 1990's faggots. 1989 master race reporting in.

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