The TRshady Forum became read-only in December 2014. The 10 year history will live on, in this archive.
Continue the discussion with the new home for the Eminem and Hip Hop discussion:

Carmen Electra

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Postby shady16 » Aug 14th, '05, 11:12

Why in the hell is she that hot and she is with that faggot dave navarow
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Closet Cleaner
Posts: 34
Joined: Aug 10th, '05, 10:00

Postby Biertje? » Aug 21st, '05, 19:55

Fuckin gorgeous
"A beer a day, keeps the quaks away"
Closet Cleaner
Closet Cleaner
Posts: 94
Joined: Aug 18th, '05, 12:47


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