bigray, not bad. some end rhymes didnt match up and that threw off the flow a bit. little switch up from the normal scheme which was cool, overall pretty decent verse. who were you dissing?
silver, prob the best flow here. nothing too spectacular but youve been putting out so many verses it all looks the same to me now. id say once our track is done worry more about quality than quantity. not that its bad, your just putting out a lot and it blends togther.
fiasco, best verse imo. i loved the first four bars. the rest went a little downhill, the syllable count changed and threw off my flow a bit. but that era of errors line and what not was nice.
sam, you didnt fit at all man. they did like a laid back punch peiece and yours was a serious religious one.
the flow felt more like a poem than a rap and i felt like you may have been trying to be verbose. it was a nice verse, but did not fit the others at all