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Your Theories On Evolution?

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Re: Your Theories On Evolution?

Postby SajN » Dec 24th, '09, 01:19

BILI wrote:Who deleted my posts :( :(

I did.

Don't come in to a serious debate thread with bullshit like "if you want to see god, just look at me".
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Re: Your Theories On Evolution?

Postby BILI » Dec 24th, '09, 01:20

SajN wrote:
BILI wrote:Who deleted my posts :( :(

I did.

Don't come in to a serious debate thread with bullshit like "if you want to see god, just look at me".

But its tru :( :(
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Re: Your Theories On Evolution?

Postby EminemBase » Dec 24th, '09, 03:09

Adam Quinn wrote:Okay, I’ll start with the donkey’s thing. That’s just irrelevant. You and I could go to a zoo or a jungle and prove that that is not possible, at least not yet. There is no where you can go to prove that there is or isn’t a God. Don’t try to find things that support your argument and ignore the other side. Why are you so invested in what other people think or believe? You said your opinion, one that we both share to a point, but come on if they want to believe in a God and they aren’t hurting anybody who cares. It’s the bad religious people that I don’t like, the ones that lie, cheat, steal, and kill all in their Gods name.

Second, your American history is a little off. The pioneers of our country came here so THEY COULD BELIEVE what they wanted to. They were tired of being persecuted in other countries so the settled here, the Puritans. Later in the constitution they wanted to keep religion and government separate only in making choices about the country. They wanted to include their God but make it be known that Government ruled the land and not the Church.

When you argue you have to see it from the other side too. I hate religion just as much as you do but trying to kill peoples beliefs is just wrong we know what we believe let them come to it if they want answers.If they don’t debate sides or leave it alone.

Firstly, no the Donkey thing is not irrelevant - It's an analogy and no you technically couldn't disprove it. I could just say the Donkey's aren't speaking it right now and you couldn't prove they're not speaking it when you're not there. Now obviously that's ridiculous, that's the point. Forget the Donkey, it's the analogy which is relevant. I can fly. You can't disprove that - But it doesn't make it likely and it doesn't mean you should be forced to my claim seriously.

Secondly, no my American history is not off. Your forefathers specifically documented as part of the constitution that religion be separated from state. That's still part of your law. But religion has shove itself so far down people's throats since then, your politicans lie and let religious babble come out their mouths.

I do see it from the other site. And there is no other side. Religion claims there is a god. It's upto religion to prove it. There never has been any proof for any of its claims and all religious books are pure fiction, there's nothing of worth.

And I'm not trying to kill people's beliefs, what people like Dawkins and Hitchens are doing is stopping them brainwashing kids and FORCING everyone else to believe what they want to believe. You keep making out as if I'm the one ramming shit down people's throats - NO, I'm the backlash. Atheists are lashing back at CENTURIES of them doing just that. They are the ones who are arrogant, who expect special privilages, teach children nonsense, do damage to society, expect a say in everything, claim a moral superiority to everyone else and ram themselves down people's throats.

Ever seen an atheist standing in the street yelling through a dictaphone shouting "there is no god!"? Me neither. Ever seen an 'Atheist Church' where they meet up every week to denounce religions. Or an atheist class in school where they spend time teaching children how unlikely it is that god exists, presurring them to think the same way? I rest my case.
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Re: Your Theories On Evolution?

Postby EminemBase » Dec 24th, '09, 04:27

Adam Quinn wrote:I know the point of the donkey thing but your analogies are all physical, not spiritual, so technically that’s a bad analogy. The fact that they are physical is the reason I said it’s irrelevant. Not an irrelevant argument but irrelevant because it’s physical, not spiritual. We could see that. We can't see Gods, or whatever the fuck they think God is.

As far as the other stuff you’re preaching to the choir, no pun. You aren’t telling me anything new. We are on the same side. I’m just saying it’s a waste of time to try to change someone’s beliefs if they haven’t come to you willingly to have that done.

I just think that's a bad cop-out they use though. They always say "that's why it's faith" and think they don't need to prove it and that god is outside of science. Nothing is outside of science, if science can't prove it in some way, it's not real. It's imagined.

And I know it's a waste of time trying to convince died in the wool believers, I'm sure as you've seen in almost every reply I've put though - That's not my intention. They can believe what they like, I couldn't give a fuck.

Like I said, it's to stop them ramming it down everybody else's throats which they do and have done for centuries. Also to stop them teaching this nonsense to children as a serious explanation for anything and to stop the exaggerated respect it gets in society.
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Re: Your Theories On Evolution?

Postby Nimbus_9 » Dec 24th, '09, 04:59

Adam Quinn wrote:Agreed :y:

It is just an excuse IMO. It makes no sense to me but I quit caring what they believe along time ago.

It's funnny because at 6 your parents tell you there's not such thing as the tooth fairy.
At 8 they tell you there's no such thing as the Easter Bunny.
At 10 they tell you there's no such thing a Santa Claus.
But when do they tell you there is no such thing a God?

It all seem the same to me; just lies passed from generation to generation. As soon as parents quit tellin their kids that shit, (they won't anytime soon though) religion will fade just like the "fairies" of our cultures.

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Re: Your Theories On Evolution?

Postby GoodGirlsGetGutted » Dec 24th, '09, 05:24

A lot of people in this thread are falling victim to a very common misconception regarding the use of the word "theory" in the theory of evolution:

The word theory in the theory of evolution does not insinuate doubt from mainstream science regarding its validity; the concepts of theory and hypothesis have specific meanings in a scientific context. While theory in colloquial usage may denote a hunch or conjecture, a scientific theory is a set of principles which explain observable phenomenain natural terms. Evolution is a theory in the same sense as germ theory or plate tectonics.

If it was "theory" like the layperson would use the word, it would be called the hypothesis of evolution rather than theory.
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Re: Your Theories On Evolution?

Postby EminemBase » Dec 24th, '09, 18:24

GoodGirlsGetGutted wrote:A lot of people in this thread are falling victim to a very common misconception regarding the use of the word "theory" in the theory of evolution:

The word theory in the theory of evolution does not insinuate doubt from mainstream science regarding its validity; the concepts of theory and hypothesis have specific meanings in a scientific context. While theory in colloquial usage may denote a hunch or conjecture, a scientific theory is a set of principles which explain observable phenomenain natural terms. Evolution is a theory in the same sense as germ theory or plate tectonics.

If it was "theory" like the layperson would use the word, it would be called the hypothesis of evolution rather than theory.

Yes I know, agreed.

I did actually point this out in my very first post. I pointed out the use of 'theory' on the fact of Evolution is not what is meant in the Scientific community.

Evolution is a solid a fact as any we know of.
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Re: Your Theories On Evolution?

Postby EminemBase » Dec 24th, '09, 18:27

Adam Quinn wrote:It's funnny because at 6 your parents tell you there's not such thing as the tooth fairy.
At 8 they tell you there's no such thing as the Easter Bunny.
At 10 they tell you there's no such thing a Santa Claus.
But when do they tell you there is no such thing a God?

It all seem the same to me; just lies passed from generation to generation. As soon as parents quit tellin their kids that shit, (they won't anytime soon though) religion will fade just like the "fairies" of our cultures.

Yeah that's my point though, you know why nobody passes on the Easter Bunny as fact? Because there's no free prize at the end of it lmao. If belief in Santa Claus proposed survival of death you can guarantee a lot more would take it as a serious belief.

People want to fool themselves into thinking they go somewhere when they die, they wanna meet up with lost love ones etc. and whilst there's nothing wrong with that persay, it's just not true. And I'm not convinced anyone truly believes it, this is why people have to take part in such ritualism with it - Constantly reminding themselves they believe every Sunday lmao. Constantly brainwashing themselves.

But aside from that, it's the flipside. A lot of kids are brainwashed and made scared of the idea of Hell. A lot of adults take the 'fear' of Hell seriously because of evil, sick childhood indoctrination. So it's less a belief in god and more fear of the devil. Very twisted stuff, to tell a child you'll go and burn in hell for all eternity.
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Re: Your Theories On Evolution?

Postby EminemBase » Dec 24th, '09, 18:29

Nimbus_9 wrote:does it not depress you to think you are alive for a set time and when you die you are nothing though? you can't think, breathe, do anything, you are gone, over

No not in the slightest. This life is hard enough, do I really wanna be alive for ETERNITY lmao.

I love THIS life, make the most of this one instead of sitting around yearning for another one. When you haven't even lived this one yet.

That's why it's nice to make a mark. Like Eminem can die secure in the knowledge he's not going to be forgotten for a very long time. People will obsess and study him for decades and decades. So that's what I want to achieve. That's a nice thought.

But even if it did depress me, which it doesn't, that doesn't make heaven or any afterlife any more likely. Just because it's depressing doesn't mean it's not true lol. If you were in $400k debt, I'd say it'd be very depressing but you couldn't escape that fact by pretending you were a millionaire.
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Re: Your Theories On Evolution?

Postby SajN » Dec 24th, '09, 18:30

EminemBase, double-trippel-quadruple-posting is not allowed. From now please answer everything in one post by editing it.
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Re: Your Theories On Evolution?

Postby EminemBase » Dec 24th, '09, 18:33

Okay, sry.
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Re: Your Theories On Evolution?

Postby ra1n » Dec 25th, '09, 10:17

EminemBase wrote:Well firstly, on Evolution. There are no 'theories' I mean... It's a fact.

Anybody who denies Evolution either hasn't looked at the evidence or doesn't understand the evidence. It's like asking me do I believe in gravity. It's not a matter of opinion, it's been proven beyond doubt. I mean, there's differences of opinion on how it happened. In terms of specifics with gene mutations and what not. But there's no dispute that it did happen.

Dawkins has actually been on a rally to stop Scientists using the term "theory". Because it's confusing to the public's perception. Because they use the word theory with Evolution but they use it in a Scientific sense. People take theory to mean (in most cases) - An idea that has yet to be fully proven.

Where as in Science, with something like Evolution they use that because there's alternate views at work on some specifics as mentioned. But really, it's the fact of Evolution.

Only people who deny it in numbers are creationists of course. Because they're very weak-minded and simply stick their fingers in their ears, because Evolution fundamentally disproves how they want things to have happened. So they just deny plain fact. They're deluded.

On you saying you think there was a higher power. Well, this isn't my view. There is no reason to believe in any god. Throughout history people have created gods only to discard them at later dates when they obviously become too ridiculous to take seriously.

Nobody (I hope) believes in Thor or Zues. Yet many still believe in the god of The Bible or Allah. And the reason is simple, they want to bypass death. And this is true whether they admit it or not. Nobody believes in Santa Claus. Because there's no free prize at the end of it. But people continue to delude and fool themselves into pretending they accept or consider the totally absurd idea of god simply because they want to go to paradise.

It's not just that of course. Many also do because... As humans, we constantly feel like we need clarification. We always want complete answers on things and some people would rather an absurd theory as to no theory at all. I personally don't, I just care about what's true and likely. And that certainly is not god. Any god. We know how life went from near nothing to us. So there's no need to induce a god into that. We've already proven that nature assists life in going from simple to complex.

So I don't see how the Universe is any different. I think we will eventually get very close as to how everything began. But I don't think we will ever find answers that will satisfy humanity completely.

Because... The 'why' question, in terms of the Universe. Doesn't really make sense. WE just happen to be here and it's only because we can contemplate the 'why' that it matters, to us. But ultimately, the 'why' question isn't applicable to the Universe. It doesn't really make any sense to ask why the Universe is here. It just is and... The real physics of it all are harder than we can grasp and unfortunately... With our concepts of poetry and philosophy and... Answers... I just don't think we'll ever provide ourselves with an answer to satisfy our need for closure. Not with the Universe.

But there certainly was no supernatural creator behind any of it. Not in my mind anyway. You have to then explain the creator anyway. And it's no good to just say 'he / she / it' was always just there'. That's a cop-out. Because why then couldn't the Universe always 'just of been there'. All it does is kick the can back. It creates an infinite regression and doesn't help or solve anything.

Another big reason many believe in god apart from wanting to bypass death, meet up with lost relatives and needing closure on where we came from... Is wanting a big brother. Some people like the idea, the psychological comfort of having a 'watching' big brother in troubled times. It's no coincidence that every nut with a cardboard sign you see yelling about Jesus is usually either an ex crack-head or ex-convict.

I mean personally, I'm very glad god isn't true. The themes of religious books are very sick. The Bible for example endorses and is the source of much slavery and violence. Religion is also one of the biggest causers of suffering, death and war in history. It's evil by nature and every religious book endorses the most unthinkable thinks. That's why The Bible for example, has been re-written about 500 times throughout history. And a lot lost in translation. You can bet in its original format it's even more brutal.

The reason The Bible is the source of all this nonsense though is because it was written by lowly humans. People think this is the work of an all-loving all-knowing god haha. I mean, if The Bible mentioned things that they simply could of had no idea about such as electricity then it'd be worthy of its claim of a holy book. But in reality, nothing in it is revelatory or anything of the sorts. It's exactly as you'd expect if written by Pagan maniacs of that time. Full of violence, silly superstitions and mythology. Human work. Not godly work.

But like I was saying, I'm very glad its not true. I in no way would wish there was a celestial dictator that was constantly watching me. 24/7. Think of that. A celestial dictator that watches you and judges you from the time you're born to the time you die. And then all of eternity.

You can't even fucking die in peace. That's when it all begins, forever. And this god literally punishes you just for thinking things. Thought crime. You're also born into uncontrollable sin because he chose to have his only son... Which was also himself, killed for sin you had no hand in. You have to constantly be guilty of this, apologize for it and feel ashamed of nearly every thought that naturally enters your brain.

This is stuff of sick twisted minds. And I'm sorry but anybody who wants this to be true is sick too.

and you sir, continue to impress me.

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Re: Your Theories On Evolution?

Postby EminemBase » Dec 25th, '09, 11:43

ra1n wrote:and you sir, continue to impress me.

How old are you? motherfucker. :b:

Haha, thanks. I'm 19. :b:
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Re: Your Theories On Evolution?

Postby EminemBase » Dec 26th, '09, 01:13

Menzo wrote:EminemBase, you're a dope member and I like reading your posts. But don't be a dick like that and blatantly telling believers that God doesn't exist. None of us know the answers :) AQ said it perfectly. :worship: :b:

Menzo, don't tell me what to say thanks. I have as much right to say there is no god as you do to say there is one.

You only show your weakness by getting affected by that comment as if you were really so sure in your belief of there being a god, why would me saying that matter. If I KNEW there was a god then some fool saying there isn't one wouldn't bother me one bit.

Aside from right to say what I like (as you have too), it's totally fair comment to say there is no god. In fact near certainty. Would you say there are no fairies? I suppose 'nobody knows' about that either right? I would hope you don't think that about fairies.

Of course you don't, there is no evidence for them and they're illogical. There is not one single reason to believe they exist, equal to god. Equally ridiculous. I won't be bullied into treating god any more sensitively than any other ridiculous idea. If you want to believe in god fine, I'm not stopping you but don't expect me to take it seriously and don't tell me I can't criticize it. Humans honour freedom of speech, expression and opinion and this is - A DEBATE forum. Thank you.
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Re: Your Theories On Evolution?

Postby DrunkenDeath » Jan 22nd, '10, 06:03

Evolution is just like sugar causing kids to be hyper.

Everyone believes it, but there is absolutely no evidence behind it.
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