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Should Gays Be Aloud To Marry?

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Postby Tomega » Nov 21st, '05, 21:43

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Postby AspirinE » Nov 21st, '05, 22:31

Tomega wrote:oh

NO WEED-BLAZING in the Debate section :spank:
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Postby topdawgizalaw » Nov 22nd, '05, 00:11

so u would tell ur kid to haze someone based on their sexuality. there is a name for those types of things, and it is called a hate crime
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Postby AspirinE » Nov 22nd, '05, 07:47

topdawgizalaw wrote:so u would tell ur kid to haze someone based on their sexuality. there is a name for those types of things, and it is called a hate crime

Ill teach my kid that gayness is antisocial

and they will find hate towards fags on their own......

unless u gonna prove to me that gayness is sumthing ur born with dont bother contradicting me
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Postby topdawgizalaw » Nov 22nd, '05, 16:13

prove to me its not, u cant. and how exactly is gayness antisocial, when homosexuals are being accepted in society more now. and u are an ignorant person , aspirine, how old are u 12?
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Postby j_shady » Nov 22nd, '05, 16:26

i would tell my kids that being gay is not something youre born w/, its something that juss happens..and i'll also tell them that its a lifestyle that not all people choose to go w/, i would NOT tell them not to be friends w/ a gay person cuz whether or not the person is gay, he/she is still a person and all people need friends..i juss hope that they dont push their lifestyle on my kids, but if it does happen that my kid comes up to me and says that they're gay, then i wouldnt accept it but i'll still love my kid
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Postby AspirinE » Nov 22nd, '05, 16:35

topdawgizalaw wrote:prove to me its not, u cant. and how exactly is gayness antisocial, when homosexuals are being accepted in society more now. and u are an ignorant person , aspirine, how old are u 12?

I am 19 ...
and U?

topdawgizalaw wrote:post pics of urself in like bikinis / lingerie , if trshady allows it , nudes, then us guys can vote on the winner. alright feel free to call me a perv i deserve it lol

realy sad that u had to use the same sarcasm that i used against u

topdawgizalaw wrote:is it true there are naked women on commercials?

dude ... how old are u

i suspect 13 LOL

I already explained my beliefe about them being antisocial
(them being a threat to children and there effect on our media)

i find it greatly disturbing to see perverts claim that have to have the rights to be married

HOMOs are accepted in society now because society is getting more perverse with every year ... now its gay ppl... in ten years its gonna Pedos claming rights to marry 13 year old girls

Im not concerned about wat fags do with there life and the kind of sex fantasies they live in ... but im concerened about theyre effect on society

Thank u ~~~~~~

ohh and dont try to be such a smartass, i made a statement for wich i wont take any insults.


edit: ppl choose to be gay like they choose to be vegetarian but that doesnt mean it wont have an effect on society

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Postby j_shady » Nov 22nd, '05, 16:46

g_killa wrote:
neway i reckon let them do wat they want cos as long as they aint tryin 2 get wit me im cool wit it cos every1 is there own person and should do wat they want

hit it right on the nose
"I never bow down, and never say doubt/To whom it may concern and whom so ever may try/i'm forever westside and the feather-weight dies/Tell em take ya best shot gon get yourself hot/cus I yelled Bankhead and you felt left out
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Postby topdawgizalaw » Nov 22nd, '05, 16:50

im 16 , u must be dumb though right, b/c if u were smart u would be in college now, at this time of day, unless u live way on other side of the world, i happen to have strep throat, but gays are not antisocial, and it is not pervercy, they are not commiting sex crimes. this is WAY DIFFERENT THAN PEDOPHILES and children
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Postby topdawgizalaw » Nov 22nd, '05, 16:56

and from what im hearing u basically want to make another, oh jesus, my strep throat has made me sick all over, i cant think, what was it called in world war 2 with hitler and the jewish. well, u basically want to have concentration camps and burn them in the ovens because of their sexuality, am i correct on assuming that
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Postby AspirinE » Nov 22nd, '05, 17:04

topdawgizalaw wrote:im 16 , u must be dumb though right, b/c if u were smart u would be in college now, at this time of day, unless u live way on other side of the world, i happen to have strep throat, but gays are not antisocial, and it is not pervercy, they are not commiting sex crimes. this is WAY DIFFERENT THAN PEDOPHILES and children

OK now ur prooving urself dumb

its 6pm here and i am on second year of colledge

Pedofiles happen to love little children and gays love guys

how can u say then that a pedofile liking children is unnatural and evil and believe it shouldnt be like that ....

Wen u consider gayness a natural thing

Yes pidofilia is an Awfull thing and it is worse then gayness

im saying that if today we allow gays to marry and raise the level of pervecy
(i believe gyness to be pervecy and dont tell me its not unless u prove me wrong) in some time we gonna have pedos claming rights

i think i made it clear

ur not proving me wrong ur just stating ur opinion

so am I .......

if u dont know ow to debate then dont ... and dont get on my nerves...

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Postby AspirinE » Nov 22nd, '05, 17:13

topdawgizalaw wrote:and from what im hearing u basically want to make another, oh jesus, my strep throat has made me sick all over, i cant think, what was it called in world war 2 with hitler and the jewish. well, u basically want to have concentration camps and burn them in the ovens because of their sexuality, am i correct on assuming that

WHEN DID UR DUMB ASS read that that i want them to die

I DONT WANT THEM TO GET MARRIED and adopt kids ant thats it
and how dare u compare me to a nazi u silly punk

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Postby topdawgizalaw » Nov 22nd, '05, 17:24

except for a handful of weird cases, the pedophiles rape the children, therefore the children do not want it to happen. other times, they gat tricked into sexual contact with old men when they are too young to think about that for themselves
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Postby AspirinE » Nov 22nd, '05, 17:27

topdawgizalaw wrote:except for a handful of weird cases, the pedophiles rape the children, therefore the children do not want it to happen. other times, they gat tricked into sexual contact with old men when they are too young to think about that for themselves

How many times do i have to explain ....

im saying that letting fags marry might lead to bad concequences ....
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Postby topdawgizalaw » Nov 22nd, '05, 20:04

i am outdebating u so easily right now, ask the people here to vote on who they think is winning this argument. u are bringing up the same crap over and over again and not making any good points
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