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Should Gays Be Aloud To Marry?

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Postby pawel » Dec 15th, '05, 18:12

well, here in the netherlands Gays are aloud to mary, and to addopt, I can even tell you more, my teacher Dutch is gay :p really, I'm not kiddin'. he has kids, but that kids are from when he didn't know he's gay yet, so it are his own kids, but that child has 2 dads....
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Postby yoshi » Dec 26th, '05, 23:10

Sorry for refreshing this topic, but today I've found newspaper from last week and article "Elton John's New Wife" and I was like "WTF?!" - how can you call him "wife"?! I mean, I personally don't care if they got married, separated, divorced or whatever, but omg.. I just don't get the whole idea.. How can you call a man "wife"? Or how do you know which one is a husband?
And eventually.. Why the fuck people make so much hype around this whole thing?!?! Personally I don't care if someone's gay, neckrophil or whoever else.. It's his own business, isn't it?..

^ Btw. talking about making hype around some things.. Why do ppl do it? Why i.e. ethnic minorities don't do such "parades"? Shit, actually they can, but they don't. So why do I have to watch gays walking down the streets with placards?.. This world goes downhill.. :shock:
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Postby Speech » Dec 29th, '05, 11:00

well it IS oda people s business......well i cant tell. I ain on 'tha oda side' so I dont know how this is workin
but just let people do what they wanna do.......
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Postby AspirinE » Dec 29th, '05, 11:37

Shadyhomie wrote:well it IS oda people s business......well i cant tell. I ain on 'tha oda side' so I dont know how this is workin
but just let people do what they wanna do.......

I wanna kill people :happy:
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Postby Speech » Dec 29th, '05, 11:53

What is wrong wit ya?
Was this a joke?
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Postby AspirinE » Dec 29th, '05, 12:42

Shadyhomie wrote:What is wrong wit ya?
Was this a joke?

It's a joke with an indirect meaning.

Like say u let a Homo(faggot) have as much freedom in expression of sexuality as possible: U will have them gays going around town making out like there aint nutin wrong with that. I certainly couldnt bear to see them doing that. Better yet, they will olso start claming other rights.

These are people of opinion, not a race, not a sexual gender, why on earth would we have to let them do anything that normal ppl dont do. They (fags) are
simply ppl who like to stand out, 90% of them have had emotional trauma or disorder.
Basically they are emotionally sick ppl, and emotionally sick ppl shouldnt claim rights for marriage and in NO CASE ADOPTION.

^^my two cents
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Postby yoshi » Dec 29th, '05, 16:35

Shadyhomie wrote:well it IS oda people s business......well i cant tell. I ain on 'tha oda side' so I dont know how this is workin
but just let people do what they wanna do.......

i didn't say i won't let them do what they want to - i told you already, but i don't want to be surrounded by ppl excited because of Elton John's New WIFE. ok, they want to get married, so why not.. i don't give a fuck if they're gays or necrophils, i just don't need to be informed about it. see my point? i'm not going around screaming "hey, look at me, i'm eminem fan!!!" or "hey, i hate fags!!", neither do 90% of other ppl, so um.. do homos really need to do it? :-s no, they don't. and then they feel offended, discriminated, hated, abused and so on.. and why? because of their own um.. i don't know.. stupidity? :zipped:

and as Aspirine said already: they want legal marriages now and soon they'll want to adopt babies. - i'm against it, cause it's sick. how do you explain your 3-yrs-old baby why other kids have mom and dad?..
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Postby yoshi » Dec 29th, '05, 22:41

i know what you mean yoshi

at least one person sees my point :)

besides, we all know that majority isn't that tollerant, so just try to imagine what'd other kids do, when they found out that someone's raised by 2 gays.. not all probably, but there's always bunch of such guys.. :zipped:
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Postby X-Ray » Dec 30th, '05, 01:43

i think they should they pai taxes they are otherwise totaly normal and think i u havent in the states got a very special job or are married ur not aloued to just stay there i know this from my arnt. she had a girlfriend 4 quite a time
oh and one of u sed the stuff about the kidd better to dads than no mom and no dad right?
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Postby Curious » Dec 30th, '05, 23:15

Sarah wrote:^i know what you mean yoshi, cos if a child was brought up with 2 moms or 2 dads, its just not normal, and then they'll raise those poor little inocint kids to be fags too, cos they'll think that that's normal because both of their parents are like that, so gay people shouldn't be allowed to adopt and children, let alone get married either, cos then they'll think that its ok to do what their doing, when its not, its not normal and it shouldn't be allowed

sorry, but that's just such bs - there's absolutely no scientific proof that growing up in a gay household increases the chances of the child becoming gay - to be gay is not something you choose to be, it's something in your personal nature, just like i didn't choose to be heterosexual.
i don't think that kids with gay parents are more likely to get picked on by other ppl than ppl who are overweight, wear glasses, are computer geeks, don't wear the right kind of clothes, etc., etc. Kids will pick on other kids no matter what, so that's a poor excuse for not letting gay ppl marry or have children.

And Asp, as for gay ppl being emotionally sick, one could argue that it's emotionally sick to be this intolerant of other ppl just because of their sexuality... ;)
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Postby yoshi » Dec 30th, '05, 23:51

For me it's excuse because I think kid needs both: mother and father - it's obvious that two men couldn't stand in for mother for a girl for example.. For a boy too, I guess.
They'd be more likely to be picked on, cause nowaday people are still intolerant and I don't see any hope for them, I'm sorry to say. Btw - I'm conservative if we talk about such things.. It's about 2000 yrs of tradition - ok, I know that homosexuality is nothing new but I don't see any point in changing it.
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Postby Curious » Jan 1st, '06, 20:02

^Yes, a lot of kids grow up without a dad or a mom, either because they died or walked out on them or the parents got divorced. And i do think that it's better for a kid to have two adults in their lives to love and guide them than one, regardless of what sex those adults might have - they get twice the amount of love and support.
Yoshi, you say you don't see any hope for these kids because ppl are intolerant but that's exactly what we need to change, starting with our own attitudes to ppl of different races, sexual orientations etc. The point about changing 2000 years of tradition is that luckily ppl have become smarter during the last 2000 years and have found out that all human beings have equal worth regardless of their sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation etc. and therefore should have equal rights. Gay ppl are ppl just like everybody else, they're just attracted ppl of their own sex - to me that's no more controversial than me being attracted to specific types of guys (tall, sporty etc. ;) )
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Postby AspirinE » Jan 1st, '06, 22:41

Curious wrote:^Yes, a lot of kids grow up without a dad or a mom, either because they died or walked out on them or the parents got divorced. And i do think that it's better for a kid to have two adults in their lives to love and guide them than one, regardless of what sex those adults might have - they get twice the amount of love and support.
Yoshi, you say you don't see any hope for these kids because ppl are intolerant but that's exactly what we need to change, starting with our own attitudes to ppl of different races, sexual orientations etc. The point about changing 2000 years of tradition is that luckily ppl have become smarter during the last 2000 years and have found out that all human beings have equal worth regardless of their sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation etc. and therefore should have equal rights. Gay ppl are ppl just like everybody else, they're just attracted ppl of their own sex - to me that's no more controversial than me being attracted to specific types of guys (tall, sporty etc. ;) )

Becoming a gay nation doesnt mean u progress, i dont know why u protect them and y u consider it normal. U say its something natural, yet u have no facts to prove it, it can be as natural as a desease, but wat makes u believe its for our own good. Im not saying exterminate them, Im saying that they are just ppl of opinion and Y the hell should they have special laws.
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Postby Curious » Jan 1st, '06, 22:52

yeah but as much as gays are normal people, its not normal to be attracked to someone of the same sex, sure.......they may be people with their own feelings and shit but they shouldn't have feeling for someone of the same sex, i think its just wrong

^ who is to judge what's "normal"? there have been homosexuals as well as heterosexuals for 1000s of years, the percentage of ppl who are homosexual is quite high actually, and some animals show homosexual tendencies as well, so it's not as if it's something that's limited to a minute amount of ppl only.
if you look at it strictly from a procreational pov i agree that physically it takes a man and a woman to make a child, but that doesn't mean that two gay ppl can't raise a kid to be a normal well-functioning individual - that ability depends on ppls personality and capability of loving, not their sexual preferences.
try to think of gay ppl as human beings instead of focusing on their sexual orientation - there are lots of sexual preferences that are far more controversial and problematic than homosexuality...
Last edited by Curious on Jan 1st, '06, 23:23, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby AspirinE » Jan 1st, '06, 23:11

Curious wrote:^ who is to judge what's "normal"? there have been homosexuals as well as heterosexuals for 1000s of years, the percentage of ppl who are homosexual is quite high actually, and some animals show homosexual tendencies as well, so it's not as if it's something that's limited to a minute amount of ppl only.
if you look at it strictly from a procreational pov i agree that physically it takes a man and a woman to make a child, but that doesn't mean that two gay ppl can't raise a kid to be a normal well-functioning individual - that ability depends on ppls personality and capability of loving, not their sexual preferences.
try to think of gay ppl as human beings instead of focusing on their sexual orientation - there are lots of sexual preferences that are far more controversial and problematic than homosexuality...

Ur telling me im not allowed to consider it "normal" but ur doing the oposite thing in exactly the same thing.

Theres no way to prove it to be normal or not, so lets stick to tradition and fuctionality.

It is strycture in society that makes it organised and inspires progress. Not ooutrage of gay beliefes, coz if we let them get married we will not win anything, and it wont make us civilized.
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