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hello (hello) allow me to introduce myself (myself), my name

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hello (hello) allow me to introduce myself (myself), my name

Postby hellbound renegade » Jan 16th, '14, 08:59

Yo, joined a couple of days ago and basically just been lookin at threads but not postin anything, but anyway I will prob become abit more active now just like discucssing eminem in general (lyrics, signed artists, wordplay e.t.c.). That's it really lol! See ya...
But for me to rap like a computer must be in my genes, I got a laptop in my back pocket! I'll shit on you!! Shady da goat, STAY WIDE AWAKE!...
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Re: hello (hello) allow me to introduce myself (myself), my

Postby yoda you can call me » Jan 16th, '14, 09:05

Welcome :wave:
The Matrix Has You

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Re: hello (hello) allow me to introduce myself (myself), my

Postby Francesco » Jan 16th, '14, 14:38

Welcome... :y: Stick around.
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Re: hello (hello) allow me to introduce myself (myself), my

Postby Brainless BadGuy » Jan 16th, '14, 17:28

It's so nice to meet you :y:
Q. What did Eminem say to 50 when he caught him wearing a sweater?

I ain't no fucking G, I'm a cannibal
I ain't tryin to shoot you, I'm tryin to chop you into pieces and eat you
Wrap you in rope and plastic, stab you with broken glass
And have you with open gashes strapped to a soakin mattress
Coke and acid, black magic, cloaks and daggers
Fuck the planet, 'til it spins on a broken axis
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Re: hello (hello) allow me to introduce myself (myself), my

Postby kasia » Jan 17th, '14, 17:21

Hello :wave:

This darkness comes in me (Evil twin)
And comes again
That ain't me
He's just a friend who pops up now and again
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