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I need a signature please :)

I need a signature please :)

Postby sneakerheadshady » Nov 5th, '13, 21:27

so i hate making stuff for myself, so i was wondering if someone could make me a signature w/
eminem, hopsin, and kendrick on it. It should say my name, sneak or sneaker is fine if you dont wanna do 'sneakerheadshady' other than that just be creative. so if you wanna do it then thx :y: :b: :flower:
#Silver #Rolly #bigray #Pain #flamez #charlotte #Hage #Samantha #guilty #eedee #horsefam #snake #raul #EG
horse wrote:You’ll never go gold, that’s why you’re just silver

Sneakerheads check out the sneaker thread!
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