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CYPHER - Topical rhymes (4-8 lines, read guidelines)

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Re: CYPHER - Topical rhymes (4-8 lines, read guidelines)

Postby shadyblogger » Dec 2nd, '13, 00:01

India, I am going to attempt an Indian accent
Nah just kidding bro, India seems like a cool place that's it
Want to go there to visit
But never to start a business
The place is quite poor
Yet their food leaves me wanting more
I'm done
C'mon son

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Re: CYPHER - Topical rhymes (4-8 lines, read guidelines)

Postby sneakerheadshady » Dec 2nd, '13, 00:17

russia, communist pigs,
not all of them, that just some cold war shiz
although it seems kinda cold, wouldnt want to live
but russian girls always ready to give

NEXT: mouse pad
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Re: CYPHER - Topical rhymes (4-8 lines, read guidelines)

Postby shadyblogger » Dec 3rd, '13, 06:37

Massaging my mouse pad
So smooth like a cow's back
But cows aren't smooth are they
Whatever I don't care, I'm just trying to bump some Sade
But my stupid mouse pad is slowing me down
Slowing the mouse down like he's caught in a trap with a frown

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Re: CYPHER - Topical rhymes (4-8 lines, read guidelines)

Postby sneakerheadshady » Dec 3rd, '13, 12:36

they tell me e = mc squared…
if i math sense i'd understand
teachers always clapping on the hand,
with rulers that she stole from the band

NEXT TOPIC: highlighter
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Re: CYPHER - Topical rhymes (4-8 lines, read guidelines)

Postby IBasicallyRage » Dec 7th, '13, 15:38

Highlighters are so bright and fluorescent
I am so high I'm guessin I might just take flight
I'm careful to shield my eyes away from that bright sight.
Just don't fight the light, it'll take all your might.

(a little difficult..)

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Re: CYPHER - Topical rhymes (4-8 lines, read guidelines)

Postby shadyblogger » Dec 7th, '13, 17:31

I'm being thrown in the closet
What the fuck are you doing Dad, have you lost it?
Please don't lock me in here I'm scared of the dark
This is worse than the time you beat me in the park
I'm so scared, I hate being abandoned
I wish I was outside so I could be landing
A punch straight to your nose Dad
But I still love you, now I feel so bad

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Re: CYPHER - Topical rhymes (4-8 lines, read guidelines)

Postby yoda you can call me » Dec 9th, '13, 15:12

If i see you wearing a G-Shock,
then you better flee hops
or get your head thrown 3 blocks
cause you're taking a Big L wearing that cheap watch

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Re: CYPHER - Topical rhymes (4-8 lines, read guidelines)

Postby sneakerheadshady » Dec 9th, '13, 16:08

the evolution of the game,
the urge of everone to get fame
rhyming changed just to make a name
man the old school shit is far from lame

NEXT: bed
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Re: CYPHER - Topical rhymes (4-8 lines, read guidelines)

Postby Excita » Dec 10th, '13, 22:29

don't read my old posts
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Re: CYPHER - Topical rhymes (4-8 lines, read guidelines)

Postby PAINKILLƎR » Dec 10th, '13, 23:03

One Direction, they're like the greatest band in the world
Make like the illest music, and they sing for little girls
Them, Justin Bieber and Eminem should all collaborate
No telling when it happens if I'd cum hard or salivate

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Re: CYPHER - Topical rhymes (4-8 lines, read guidelines)

Postby » Dec 11th, '13, 00:52

Fuck wars and genocide
People's dieing
Hate knows why
Fear's here while we're still alive

next topic: no job no education no money no benefits (a.k.a no social care).
I'm from South London from Westminster to the back streets of Thornton Heath.
Off Brigstock Road.

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Re: CYPHER - Topical rhymes (4-8 lines, read guidelines)

Postby cement » Dec 15th, '13, 23:44

I got no job and no education but I am still a real n#gga
rackcity, rack city
$hoot all these bitchniggas without education
I have no job because obama is an illuminati b#tchn#gga and I got more $wag
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Re: CYPHER - Topical rhymes (4-8 lines, read guidelines)

Postby cement » Dec 15th, '13, 23:44

I got no job and no education but I am still a real n#gga
rackcity, rack city
$hoot all these bitchniggas without education
I have no job because obama is an illuminati b#tchn#gga and I got more $wag
NIGGAGANG: takeover 2014.
Rollef$en, €anadaPure, Blog$ Mcgoo$h, $atan, €harlotte, Never_€nough, Tru€ Wiz, €xcitaz, D€rdyPK, Th€VipBro, N-R-G, md€maz, €€D€€, $nakebeast (FULL MEMBER), HotDawg, Pudding, Aton€, Mistah €vil, Jo$himura
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Re: CYPHER - Topical rhymes (4-8 lines, read guidelines)

Postby shadyblogger » Dec 18th, '13, 03:05

No social care or any government assistance
Even for the fucking American citizens
I get it about the illegal aliens
Or people trying to abuse the system with fake aliases
But not the fucking people of America
They're are only hope; this is a fucking embarrassment
I'm embarrassed to say so so I'm blushing a sweet peach color
And times have changed; we finally got a President who is a man of color

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Re: CYPHER - Topical rhymes (4-8 lines, read guidelines)

Postby sneakerheadshady » Dec 18th, '13, 03:30

my rhymes are fresh like ripe fruit,
yours are hard, bite in and get a loose tooth
i pour up with 12 shots of vermouth
and all you do is drink shit and poop

NEXT TOPIC: fire department
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